Marg holds these retreats on her farm and there are spaces for 12 people at a time.
Accommodation on the farm is in either the old railway barricks (which originally came from Merredin) or a donga which they are currently renovating.
Marg has a HUGE shop which we all scrap in and meals are eaten in her house.
I shared one of the railway barricks with Amie and Sharyn was in the donga with another of her friends.
I had a fantastic time and spent most of the weekend laughing...and I also did a bit of scrapbooking!
I don't have any pages to show you as I spent all weekend making up two albums out of cardstock (thanks to Amie for her incredible patience and skills as my "teacher").
The "bones" of the albums are made but I still have a HEAP of work to do decorating them and putting in photos etc. so I will post pictures as soon as I have finished them.
I am posting a photo of a layout below which I started two weeks ago and have only just finished this week. I am really happy with how it turned out. I have also posted a few photos from the retreat.
Lots of love
Nic x

The room that Amie and I shared
Everyone hard at work
Sharyn and I went for a walk on Saturday afternoon and the dogs joined us (the other dog was camera shy).
Some of the locals
Caught out with some of my purchases!!
Can you tell we don't have a scrapbook shop in Kalgoorlie!!