My friend Jenny left Kalgoorlie today with her Mum and two of their friends to go on a 3 night cruise off Fremantle so I volunteered to dogsit her fur baby "Lucy".
Jenny dropped Lucy off last night to our house and we settled down to watch TV for the night with Lucy lying at the back sliding door looking in.
Our youngest cat "Agro" noticed Lucy and the next thing we knew, his hackles were up, his tail had doubled in size and he was spitting and trying to get at Lucy through the glass door. I told Dean to grab Agro while I went outside and showed Lucy where her bed was.
The next thing I have Dean holding the side of his face and yelling at me to "HELP" him. I get to the back door and say in an aggitated voice "WHAT??" and he tells me that Agro has scratched him and he needs me to help him. So I promptly tell him, "You'll be OK, your not gonna die!" and that I will be there in a minute. I am just getting inside and the next thing I know, Dean is chasing after Agro, lunges at him, misses and ends up on the floor!!!
So after telling Dean to get up, I finally have a look at his face which he has tissues held up against and see that Agro did a good job on him! There were 4 large, deep scratches across the side of his face and there was quite a bit of blood. So after rummaging through the first aid kit, Dean had one side of his face covered in large wound dressings (not so much because the wounds were bad, but because I didn't want the blood or betadine ointment leaking onto my white sheets and pillowcases). Anyway, this morning, after ripping out half the whiskers from Dean's face when taking the dressings off, the wounds don't look too bad and a couple of butterfly stitches are now doing the job nicely. Dean is still not talking to Agro. Agro is oblivious to any wrong doing.
PLEASE NOTE: No cats or dogs were harmed in the above incident, (only 1 human).
Nic xx
P.S. Mugshot below of the culprit!
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