I have been on holidays for the last week or so and have really been enjoying the time off at home. I have been doing a bit of craft as well which is great. I purchased the instructions for a calendar from Paper Phenomenon ages ago and I have finally started it just in time for the new year. I have only done January so far as it is very time consuming and I will just work on it through the year.
I have to say a big thank you to Amie who did a trial run on the construction of the calendar and realised that it wasn't going to be particularly strong and also a big thank you to Robin and her husband who made the "box" that forms the calendar. This made it so much easier so thanks so much to you all.
Happy New Year!
Love Nic xx
Well November was a full on month for me, I was away for 3 weekends during the month and I am still trying to catch up on everything at home. The first weekend I went on another scrapbook retreat to Country Papercraft with Kristy and Jenny and we met up with our other friends there. As usual, it was a fantastic weekend full of lots of laughs and a little scrapping got done as well :)
The third weekend, Kristy and I went to Perth to "Make Pretty Stuff" with the gorgeous Heidi Swapp and Kim Jeffress which was absolutely fantastic and the bonus was that we got to catch up with all our scrappy girlfriends again, some of which we haven't seen for over two years. Heidi and Kim were both so generous and giving with their time and knowledge and so really nice to us all. The next weekend, Dean and I went to Perth to help my niece celebrate her 6th birthday and also to see "An evening with Hoges" which was a show put on by Paul Hogan about his life and how he entered the world of showbiz.
So, now December is upon us and Christmas Day is only 15 sleeps away!!!
The girls came on around on Sunday to catch up for the last time this year and we were all very productive making cards, Christmas tags and other little projects. I made a heap of cards and I am really happy with how they turned out. I still have more to make but wanted to show you a few of them.
Lots of love
Nic xx
It has been over a month since I last posted any of my scrapbooking work on my blog but this is because I have been working on a Birthday gift for my Mum so posting the pics before I gave it to her would probably have ruined the surprise! I made another Paper Phenomenon album similar to the one I made for my Birthday but put photos in it that had been taken through Mum's life or photos of special people in her life. Last weekend we drove to Perth to help Mum and Fiona celebrate their birthdays which was really lovely and I was able to give her the book.
Here are the pics.
Love Nic x

Last Sunday, Kristy and Jenny came around for a lovely afternoon of crafting. I finished 2 single page layouts and a double page layout so all in all it was a very productive afternoon!
Love Nic xx
We have finally finished doing up an old kitchenette that Dean's Mum gave us. It now has a new home in my scrapbook room and I just love it. My beautiful husband did all the hard work and boring stuff (sanding it down, pulling the doors apart and putting them back together) and I did all the fun stuff (painting it).
Love Nic xxx
Here it is when we started it.....
The finished product!!
Life seems to be rushing by so quickly lately and I can't believe it is almost 2 months since I last updated my blog.
I am trying to get my scrapbooking room organised and it seems to be taking FOREVER, but I am on the downhill run now and it is starting to look really great. Dean's Mum gave us an old kitchenette from her house a few years ago and we are currently doing it up. We are almost finished so I will upload some pictures tomorrow.
Here is a layout I finished recently as well as a few cards that I made from a Kaszazz kit that I purchased.
Love Nic xxx
In my last post I mentioned that I had created an album for photos of my 40th birthday party. I have finally finished the album and am really happy with how it turned out.
I haven't added alot of embellishments as I really wanted the photos to be on show.
Here it is.
Love Nic x
May has been a crazy month for me with heaps of things happening. I went on a scrapbooking retreat at Country Papercraft on the first weekend with Sharyn, Amie, Jenny, Shirley, Julie and two lovely ladies that I hadn't met before Hayley and Robin. I had a fantastic time with heaps of laughter and fun. We have already booked in for another weekend in November so I am really looking forward to that. I spent the weekend at the retreat making an "All Occassion Mini Album" using a tuturial I purchased from Paper Phenomenon. While making it, I decided to be a bit self indulgent and instead of making it for someone else, I decided I would make it for my 40th Birthday party which was to be held the following weekend. The album turned out absolutely beautiful and I am so pleased with it. I am currently putting photos in it now and will upload pictures of it when I am finished. Well, getting back to the title of this post, I am falling a bit behind in my One Little Word projects but am determined to get back on track and finish all 12 prompts during the year.
So, below I have photos of my prompts for February and March.
February's prompt was a "Vision Board" of sorts that related to your word and the March prompt was all about "Taking Action" by setting a goal, a timeframe and getting it done. Ali's goal was to clean out her office so my mind immediately went to something very boring like "clean out and organise the storeroom" but when speaking to Kristy about the task and moaning to her about how I wanted to do something crafty, she came up with a suggestion about making a craft project my goal. So, I decided I would create a canvas that my scrapbooking idol Gabrielle Pollaco had recently posted a tutorial on. I am really pleased with how it turned out.
Love Nic x
Just over a week ago, Dean and I arrived home from a 13 day cruise to New Zealand (Mum and Jock also came along). We had a fantastic time and going back to work on Tuesday was very hard!! Normally when we go on a cruise, I am ready to get back home but this time I was quite sad for our holiday to end. We got to meet Jock's Sister and also his Brother and Sister-In-Law so that was really great and we met heaps of really nice people on the cruise. I have posted a few pics of us below.
The same night we got home, my next door neighbour came over with a HUGE parcel that had been dropped off by the postie. When I opened it up, it was full of scrapbooking goodies that had been sent to me by a gorgeous lady named Sylvia who we met on our last cruise. I was blown away by this amazing gesture of kindness and really appreciate the amazing friends I have.
Love Nic xx
Yesterday I had Kristy, Tanya, Dee, Kathleen and Jenny over for a Stampin Up! workshop presented by Jess Kassman. Jess created 5 fantastic cards for us to make and it was so much fun. I am loving making cards and think I will be making alot more in the future.
Here are the cards we made:
P.S. If any of my family members that read my blog get one of my cards that you have seen on here.....remember to look very surprised when you get it and act like it is the first time you have seen it :)
Love Nic xxx